Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Road

As some of you may know, I'm an avid reader. Sometimes as an exercise (and because doing book covers would be the dream job), I put together a book cover for a book that I really enjoyed. I read Cormac McCarthy's _The Road_ about a year ago, and was struck by McCarthy's barren, ash-colored landscape. I couldn't picture any images from this book in color—only charcoal or graphite—the simplest, barest tools for this story set in the aftermath of the apocalypse.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Recent Figure Drawings

Lately, my work schedule has eaten into my figure drawing time. Luckily, my school had an Open House this past weekend where I got in a few solid hours with Lynn, a beautiful, dynamic model who really knows what makes a gorgeous pose.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Balzac at Cimetière du Père Lachaise

I have it on good authority that Père Lachaise Cemetery was one of Balzac's favorite places. When he wasn't feverishly writing, or drinking gallons of black coffee, he wandered the quiet lanes of Pere Lachaise. So I thought when we visited, it would be appropriate to look him up. I can see why he liked it. The outer arrondissements aren't bustling, but the quiet in Pere Lachaise is of a different quality, like you've entered a parallel city. The sounds of Paris are muffled, the light is filtered through the tall trees to become diffuse and soft. A curtain has been pulled between you and the world outside.

Fittingly, his monument features La Comédie Humaine at its base, and a dedicated soul had left some roses there.